Typical Steps

The flexibility to tailor the approach to each case.

The Council’s problem-solving process recognizes that each case features unique circumstances, characteristics and personalities, and presents peculiar challenges. The ability to tailor its process to each case is one of the Council’s greatest strengths and distinguishes it from most other processes for resolving employee concerns. These are the typical steps that occur:

1. Employee contacts the Council regarding a workplace issue.

2. A Council or staff member listens to the employee in confidence, provides additional information about the resolution process, and determines if the Council is an appropriate channel for the concern.

3. The full Council is briefed (without learning the identity of the employee) and determines whether to take the case.

4. Once the case is accepted, a Memorandum of Understanding is signed by the employee, participating company and Council to demonstrate commitment to the process.

5. A Council subcommittee, which includes advocacy, company and neutral members, meets with the employee to conduct a full briefing.

6. The subcommittee arranges and conducts interviews, collects and examines data and documents.

7. The subcommittee analyzes the situation and presents preliminary conclusions to the full Council, along with initial suggestions for how the situation could be resolved.

8. The Council conducts a comprehensive review, deliberates and arrives at a resolution by consensus.

9. The Council briefs the employee and the company on the proposed resolution, to be sure that no crucial factors have been missed.

10. The Council presents its decision to the employee and the president of the affected company who presumptively will implement the recommendations. (The employee has the option to reject the recommended resolution and pursue other avenues.)

11. The resolution is normally implemented within 30 days.